I Choose Love… A Child’s View of the World

As a mom I am forever hyper-focused on making sure I teach my children the things they need to know for education purposes, as well as life lessons to help them become kind, healthy, happy, and well-adjusted adults. It wasn’t until the other day that I finally stepped back and started to think about what my children are teaching me as I see their view of the world.

It was brought on when I picked my 5-year old son up from school. As he stood outside waiting in the pick-up line he proceeded to give each and every one of his classmates, boy and girl, a big hug. I have witnessed him hugging his buddies before, but it brought tears to my eyes the way he smiled and really connected with each one of his little friends, and to see them respond in kind. Keep in mind he has only known most of them for a very short time, but already appreciates each of them for their uniqueness. Here is what I learned so far, but the list grows by the day.

  1. Children are not born with prejudices of any kind.
  2. Children express love abundantly without fear or embarrassment.
  3. Children have almost endless optimism. If it is raining, they are looking for the rainbow. If they get a boo boo, that are excited for the character band aide.
  4. Children can see creative solutions to problems that adults never in a million years would have come to.
  5. Children are so literal, and boy does it make life easier (and harder).
  6. Children can find pure joy in the simplest acts, gestures, or gifts. 
  7. Children remember everything! Even if you think they aren’t watching. Even if you think it had no effect.
  8. Children are profoundly honest in the most astonishing ways.
  9. Children are observant of the joy and beauty all around, which we as adults often overlook.
  10. Children don’t require you to maintain order. They are not fazed by messes, dirt, piles of unfolded laundry, or being late (thank GOD!).
  11. Children believe that anything in the world is possible. There is no cynicism, skepticism, or doubt in the mind of a child.

love-1In a world that is so divided by politics and controversy, it’s a good time to look at the perspective of a child and remember that none of us were born this way, and that we can all choose to have a different perspective. The most important thing I have learned from my children is when I allow myself to be 10% more like them, the annoyances and daily stresses dissolve away, and I can be more present in the moments that really matter. I will choose JOY, I will choose HONESTY, I will choose INCLUSIVENESS, I will choose LOVE just like my children do every day.


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