Sane at Home Mom

Momming is hard work. I think we can all agree on that fact.  It doesn’t matter if you stay at home, work from home, go to work, or do anything in between. We all put our heart and souls into raising our children. Sure we may all come from different walks of life, but motherhood is a bond that we all share. I’ve been a stay at home mom now for almost four years, and let me tell you some days are tough. Like pull my hair out, is 8am too early for a drink, tough. Through the four years I’ve been home I’ve learned so much. I hope that these tips will help other stay at home moms (or really any mom) who feels like they are just barely surviving.

1. Make time for You

When you have kids hanging on you, asking questions non-stop from 7:30am-8:00pm you can get a bit frazzled. And by a “a bit” I mean incredibly frazzled. If you don’t stop to take time for yourself, you can get worn down super fast, which isn’t good for anyone. My me time is in the morning. I get up before the kids to get my work out in and have some uninterrupted quiet time. My “me time” consists of some prayer and then blog work. You could meditate, do yoga, read, really whatever it is that helps you start your day on a positive note.

2. Routine and Schedule

I am a person who likes routine and structure in my day. Knowing when things are going to happen really helps me thrive. Some (like my husband) may say I like a routine a little too much, but it works for me.  We actually have a pretty busy schedule during the day so having a routine helps me accomplish more. Setting aside a day or time for certain tasks to get done, means I can focus on that one task instead of bouncing between a bunch of different ones.

3. Don’t be Afraid to Break the Schedule

Ok, Ok, hear me out. I know, I know I just said I like routine. But sometimes, it’s ok to break routine. When a friend calls and wants to stop by, or when you stop to get a donut on the way home from an appointment. Most recently? When the sun comes out for the first time in a bazillion years so you bundle the kids up to get outside, even though it’s almost nap time, it is definitely ok to break routine. Sometimes a little change is good for the soul (just not too much change).


4. Get off Social Media

Now, I’m not saying delete all your accounts and start living off the grid, but if that’s your thing I go for it. Then again, if you are living of the grid, you probably wouldn’t be reading this anyway! Just be mindful of the time you do spend on social media. I find the more time on social media I spend, the more frazzled I get. This one has been a struggle for me, not going to lie. With everything available on our phones a quick status check can turn into a long scroll though a social media feed. I am trying to have set times that I check/post, so that when it’s not those time I am being intentional in the time I am spending with my girls.

5. Get Out of the House

Being a stay at home mom does not mean you need to stay at home all the time. When I’m stuck inside the house too long it definitely wears on me. There is a reason so many moms like Target. It gets us out of the house and allows us the chance to see other adults (really though, that was one of the main reasons I went to Target when my first was a baby).  Even getting outside and going to the park can do wonders!

If you have a moms club in your area, join. Being at home all day is isolating, plus joining a group gives you the chance to go to play dates (they aren’t just for kids), and MNOs . . . wine anyone? Did you know that the Detroit Moms Blog has Neighborhood Groups? If you are looking to get connected to moms in your area, check them out!  

6. Ask for Help

It seems like lots of moms are ashamed to ask for help. Like, we think it makes us less of mom. Asking for help does not make you weak, it means you are a human. We all know the saying “it takes a village”, well it’s true. I am forever grateful that I have so many family members and in-laws close by who can help me out. For example, when I had a c-section with my second child, my mom and MIL alternated days to help me out at home. If I need to run out to the store sans kids, I know I can call on one them.

7. You Don’t Have to do it All

As a stay at home mom, I sometimes feel that things need to be perfect. We often want them to have all the experiences. But, you know what, trying to do it all will only result in major burn out. If a Pinterest party isn’t your thing? That’s fine. Don’t have time to make cute food face for lunch? That’s O.K! You don’t have a crafty bone in your body? Then do something you love with your child. As long as you child is loved and care for the other stuff really doesn’t matter.

What about you? What are ways you stay sane as a stay at home mom?


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